Saturday, March 31, 2012

More literal sayings and other things ? Cartoons & Creative Writing

Well, hello! I hope everyone had a great week!

After my previous post on portraying the literal meanings of words turned out quite popular, I thought I might as well draw a few more. This time it is?



Don't fly off the handle!


Don't lose your temper!


Keep your hair on!


And that?s it for drawings today! But I still have a few more things up my sleeve! Or rather, up my computer fingers!


Seeing that it is (almost) the last day of March, I wanted to make a graphic representation of what my month looked like. Let me introduce?

Homework Extravaganza


Really, that 23rd truly was a nightmare day. And the 27th was not much better. Now I just want to go to sleep, but I can?t. I?ve got a few more assignments and stacks of homework waiting for me. Blargh!


However, I should hope that I was still able to laugh as I struggled through the 3rd week of March. This is what made me laugh:


Yes, those are sticky notes all round my laptop screen. It?s my references for said HUGE assignment. I stuck them there because I kept forgetting which author wrote what article and in what year. And then I had to page through everything again when I wanted to quote. That got annoying.


Lastly, I recently saw some bloggers making typography images with all the fonts that they regularly use and I thought it was a very good idea. I try to use only a handful of signature fonts in my cartoons, but if you?ve been around for a while you?d know I have a slight font obsession. So? this is mostly only for my own benefit to remember which fonts when/how/what, but maybe someone could find it useful. So I?m sharing it!

All these fonts are available as free downloads (obviously). Actually I don?t use Elven Common Speak or Lime Glory Caps in my cartoons as they are too hard to read, but I only included them because I use them in my blog signature.



Have a great weekend!


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Mirror Mirror

Director Tarsem Singh (The Cell, The Fall, Immortals) seems to aspire to make grand masterpieces with each project he takes on, and though the results fall short, they?re at least more interesting than the more predictable alternatives. In The Fall he made an art-house fairy tale that?largely due to his own screenplay?never arrived at a compelling story, focusing instead on visual splendor for its own sake. Like Spike Jonze?who lent his name as a presenter of The Fall?Tarsem got his start in music videos, where hallucinatory imagery can stand up on its own. Here, however, Tarsem has learned to offset his excessive tendencies with a little camp, arriving at a tone closer to the fantasy comedies of Terry Gilliam (Time Bandits, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus). By the time the Bollywood dance number plays over Mirror?s closing credits, bringing one last note of offbeat silliness (Tarsem, who is Indian, co-wrote the song), you might just find yourself feeling like another one of Disney?s dwarfs: Happy.

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Your Sales Team Deserves the Finest Sales Instruction Business ...


Selecting the most appropriate?sales training company in Evanston?could possibly be a?challenging?process. ?Let?s?face the facts,?there are actually?so many?sales training companies?available?in the Chicago?region! ?Surely?the initial??cut?you might want to?make?would be to?disqualify?each of the?recently?displaced?salespeople?who have?put?out their shingles as sales trainers.?I am?totally sure?all of them?have?really good?stories?as to why?these people were?released,?but when?you are considering?spending?the time, energy and profits of your company with a sales training company?you had better?look for?something?more than?a very good?story.

So What Do?You?Genuinely?Wish To Have?

Sounds like?a plain?enough question,?however?our experience?informs us?a large number of?people?looking for a?sales training company?have never?really?sat down, put pencil to paper and?outlined?what their?needed?outcomes?are for the training?engagement.

As for instance,?are you trying?to?inspire?your sales force??Make them learn?closing?tactics??Help them?manage?their time??Even though?all three of these?are?valuable?goals,?perhaps even?grouped together?they won?t?bring you?the actual?benefits?which are required.?In general,?moving?down this?direction?most probably will?end up in?your joining?just about all?sales managers and?people who run businesses?who?pay good money for?their?sales force?only to?after that?exclaim:

?Sales training?didn?t?succeed!

The Result?You Are Looking For?-?Measurable?Improvements?in Selling?Behaviors?and Selling?Outcomes

Short-term ?event??training and training that?targets on?just one or two?approaches?normally?does?fail?because it is?simply?defective. Our?experience and analysis?have indicated to?us?how your?sales force?is unlikely?to?always?use?even the?most effective?approaches?or?ideas?except when?they have been?part of?a complete?behavioral?enhancement?plan.

Uncover?Sales Training Companies that?Insist on?Long-Term?Support?and?Training

Effective?training?will have to be?more than?an?informational?occasion?or maybe a?series of?events.?It must?provide?skill application, progress measurement, feedback, optimization, and encouragement.

Developing?long-term?selling?enhancement?would need?behavioral?change?and?perfecting?new?methods. This?absolutely?doesn?t occur?in a single day, over a?weekend?or perhaps?in a couple of?weeks.

A successful?training company?is built?on the?basic foundation?of?step-by-step??success?and?improvement?in the long run.?Incremental?improvement?and?change?will only?occur?when?supported by?consistency,?reinforcement, and?coaching.?

What Do?You?Actually?Need To Have?

Ideally?by now?you are?realizing?that ?What?You Actually?Need?is an?on-going,?quantifiable?development?in how your?sales team?generates?results.?And so, if that?is actually?what you?re looking for,?your selection of?sales training companies?has really become?far easier!

Be certain to?go with a?company?that only has a?good track?record of?delivering?sustained?very good?improvement?and you?ll?make?an intelligent?choice. ?For more information about sales training companies,?visit here.

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Turkey hosts meeting to back Syrian opposition as Annan peace plan fails to take hold

ISTANBUL - China and Russia turned down invitations. Iran didn't get one. The absence of these key supporters of the Syrian regime at a meeting in Istanbul on Sunday highlights the global division over how to stop the bloodshed in Syria as much as the unity of dozens of participating countries from the Western and Arab worlds.

Then there are differences in tone and priorities in the "Friends of the Syrian People" group that aims to encourage the Syrian opposition into unifying its scattered ranks. Saudi Arabia and Qatar want to arm Syrian rebels, Turkey is making contingency plans for a buffer zone in Syria if refugee flows surge, and the United States, in an election year, says military force against the Syrian government is a last resort.

Even nations that relentlessly championed diplomacy as the best way to isolate Syrian President Bashar Assad and force him to step down are showing fatigue with that approach. Some fear Assad only agreed to a peace plan presented by U.N. envoy Kofi Annan in order to buy time and deflect outside pressure, and note fighting has not let up since the deal was announced.

"From the moment that was said, deaths in Syria have not stopped," Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. "They are continuing still. There is no point in saying: 'I hope, I await, I expect.' There is no point in it. Because he is continuing to kill. Faced with such a scene, I have no such hope."

Annan's plan calls for an immediate, two-hour halt in fighting every day to allow humanitarian access and medical evacuations. The plan also outlines a complete cease-fire and calls for an inclusive, Syrian-led political process to address the concerns of citizens.

But skepticism about Assad's intentions suggests Turkey and other countries that say he should quit now have low expectations for the U.N. peace plan. Syrian opposition figures question the idea that Assad would help to oversee reforms, presumably including a political transition leading to his exit, after presiding over the deaths of thousands of his own people in order to stay in power.

"It seems the world, the international community, is still exhausting all efforts, all diplomatic solutions, all solutions that do not involve military action," said Bassam Imadi, a member of the opposition Syrian National Council who believes the Syrian government will not abide by Annan's plan.

"All the regime is doing is to gain time and more time and more time in hope that the regime will be able to crush the uprising and people will go back home," Imadi said. "But, of course, this is not going to happen."

Annan's call for talks within Syria appears to contradict the premise of key nations at the Istanbul meeting that believe Assad must go now. However, the broad nature of the U.N. proposal was designed to win the support of Russia and China, which earlier blocked action against the Syrian regime in Security Council vetoes.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was expected in Istanbul for the one-day meeting after talks in Saudi Arabia on devising a unified strategy on stopping the Syrian crackdown and gaining humanitarian access to beleaguered communities there. More than 9,000 people have been killed in Syria's violence since last March, according to U.N. estimates. Hundreds of thousands have fled their homes.

"Turkey and the United States both believe military force is absolutely a last resort, an undesirable one," Francis Ricciardone, the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, told reporters in Istanbul. "We are working within the bounds of international law and diplomacy. And we are doing it together. This is a situation with no easy answers, no simple answers, no magic, that can be produced."

He said of the Istanbul meeting: "Will it lead to an instant solution on Monday morning? I don't think so. But will we be closer? Yes, I think so."

A Turkish analyst, Osman Bahadir Dincer, compared negotiations with the Syrian regime to "putting a brain dead patient on a life support machine," and said that even Russia and Iran, Assad's allies, were building ties with "various actors" in preparation for a post-Assad era.

"The United States speaks of a change in Syria and appears to support it diplomatically, but at the moment it does not want to intervene or pay a price for it. But this does not mean that it won't intervene at any time," said Dincer, a Syria expert at the International Strategic Research Organisation, a centre in Ankara, the Turkish capital.

"It can be expected that, as in Libya, it will try to intervene by putting an ally like Turkey to the fore," he said.

Turkey, which shares a long border with Syria and hosts about 18,000 refugees, has been one of the most vocal critics of the regime there and its leaders were frustrated by Assad's failure to heed their calls for reform last year. In an interview with The Associated Press late Friday, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Syria was a Cold War-era case of the "illusion of autocratic regimes."

"They think that after a while, they will control the situation. But when they do more oppression, then pressure, then they are losing more control," said Davutoglu, who has travelled to Syria dozens of times in the last decade.

Of Assad, he said: "Unfortunately, he did not show vision, courage, and understand the logic, the logic of the flow of history."


Associated Press reporters Ayse Wieting in Istanbul and Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, contributed.

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House budget chair questions Pentagon budget cuts

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Good Personal Finance Habits

You know you rock at managing your money. LearnVest tells you what you're doing right.

We know, we know ? at LearnVest, we tell you a lot of things you should do, like:

  • Save for retirement
  • Pay off any debt you have
  • Reevaluate your budget (because you already have a budget, right?)
  • Stress out about all the aforementioned to-dos

We tell you because they?re all good for you, financially speaking (well, all but that last one).

But sometimes, with all the worrying we do, it?s easy to forget to take a time-out and give ourselves a pat on the back. And we bet there are already a lot of things you?re doing exactly right with your money.

Read on to find out how many of these 10 excellent financial habits you?ve already adopted, then sit back, and feel superproud of yourself.

You Always Shop on Sale

According to industry research, 62 percent of US consumers say they rarely pay full price for clothing. So it sounds like you already know the art of scoring the best deal possible. (Just don?t let yourself get suckered in by the secret ways stores seduce us into buying.) Keep up the good work!

Read on for more.

You?re Creative About Cutting Your Costs

And we know this one is true! Time after time, LearnVest members have told us stories about their innovative ways to save, from clipping coupons to DIYing just about everything. You understand the value of a dollar . . . and get that even nickels can add up. For a creative way to save your spare change, check out our $5 jar idea. And for crafty do-it-yourself tips for everything from homemade sorbet to hand-mixed hair conditioner, check this out.

You?re Resilient

In one study, people were grouped into ?resilient? and ?overwhelmed? personalities: when faced with adversity, the overwhelmed group felt like the situation ganged up on them, and there was nothing to be done. When faced with similar circumstances, the resilient group?s instinct was to pick back up and start over. Upon examining these traits from an emotional perspective, researchers found that those who were resilient had higher levels of wealth.

You Give a Damn

In the same study of personality traits and wealth, people who are too distracted to even deal with their finances were statistically shown to do a worse job of managing their money (which is pretty intuitive). For that reason, the fact that you?re on LearnVest and reading this story means that you care about your financial future, and that simple caring puts you ahead of the curve.

You Have a Budget

Whether or not you occasionally give in to impulse buying, you?re ahead of the game by simply having a budget. Knowing how much you have to spend each month, and how much your basic expenses cost, is the single best way to not go overboard. Your budget could take the form of a basic ledger . . . or a custom breakdown courtesy of the LearnVest My Money Center, which pulls in data from all of your accounts to show your spending, saving, and investments in one place.

You Don?t Hide From the Future

Since the recession, 80 percent of people are showing more caution with their finances than they used to, including saving more and investing for retirement. That's good news, because studies have shown that people who have backup plans ? which can be as simple as building up your fund ? tend to have a higher degree of wealth in general.

You Go to the Gym

In one study, women who were fit (OK, let?s say it: thin) made as much as $16,000 more per year than the norm. But before you go on a flash diet, know that you don?t need to be supermodel skinny to reap these financial rewards! Simply working out may do the trick: runners and serious athletes are better money managers because they cultivate mental traits that help them maintain focus. For some tips on cultivating those mental traits without being a total gym rat, check this out.

You?re Confident in Yourself

Those who aren't swayed by the crowd are better at taking control of their finances. That's because friends and family can often steer you astray. In fact, they can affect everything from whether you buy that sweater you don't really need (meet the Enabler ? and seven other types of friends who are bad for your finances) to whether you make a bad investment. See how the concept of "social proof" can actively hurt your portfolio.

You Save Your Change

You understand that little things add up over time, and every day you make money decisions that will help you in the long run. For example, instead of letting your change pile up, you're actually putting it somewhere you won?t lose it ? and that adds up. Collecting just 25 cents a day would add up to nearly $100 after a year!

You Pay Your Bills on Time

One of the most basic ? and most powerful ? ways to stay on top of your spending is to simply pay all your bills on time (and in full, whenever possible). Avoiding just a few bills now and again will cost you in interest payments. And that doesn?t even mention the hit your credit score will take for missing payments. For a sense of just how important your credit score is, and how much money you can save by having a good one, play with our interactive tool. For ways to raise your credit score right now, read this.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Choose Life Insurance

The factors I always recommend my clients consider when trying to determine which life insurance company to pick are the company ratings and the premium.

How to Choose a Life Insurance Company

It is of utmost importance that the company you choose is a financially viable and stable organization.? A couple ways I use to measure this are by seeing how long a company has been in business.? You have some companies like Genworth Life Insurance or Ohio National, that have been in business over 100 years.? They?ve been through recessions and depressions and are still going strong.? That?s a good sign.

Also, be sure to ask your agent what ratings the insurance carrier has earned from a 3rd party financial rating company, such as A.M. Best.? You should aim for one that boasts an ?A? rating, such as A++, A+, A, or A-.

Insurance Company Reviews

You can do a google search for just about any company you want to do business with, or agency for that matter.? You might try googling something like what I wrote about recently, State Farm Life Insurance Review.

Life Insurance Quotes

Then, as I said, pricing must obviously be a consideration.? What?s really interesting here is that finding the best price for life insurance is not as simple as putting your date of birth and amount desired into a quote form, and then picking the company who comes up at the top of the list as having the lowest life insurance quotes.

Instead, you should really discuss your case with an agent before determining which company to apply to.? If you have any history of medical impairments such as diabetes, cancer, or heart issues, you will want to apply to the company who will approve you at their best rating classification.

Types of Life Insurance

Another factor affecting your life insurance quote will be the type of insurance you apply for.? We represent companies with the full spectrum of term and permanent products.? For a general explanation of your choices, please see our post about the types of life insurance, or for a more specific explanation on a particular type, you can go directly to the articles below.

10 Year Term Life Insurance

20 Year Term Life Insurance

30 Year Term Life Insurance

Universal Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

A general rule of thumb is at least 10X your income.? However, this answer has many variables.? If you have a lot of debt, such as a large mortgage or credit card debt, you may want to add the balances into your policy benefit.? If you have cash and investments that could be liquidating in the case of your passing, then be sure to take that into consideration as well.

If you?re buying life insurance for income replacement purposes, you may want a lot more than just 10X your earnings if you are in your 30?s or 40?s, since you still have at least 20 years more to work before you retire.? For help calculating how much you need based on your income and how many years you have left to work, please use our life insurance calculator.

Where to Start

As I explained above, every life insurance company has its sweet spot, where it may be more forgiving of a certain heath condition than others.? It?s really best to speak to a knowledgeable agent who can sort through all the options and recommend the best fit for you.

Call us for a free life insurance quote or for assistance choosing a life insurance company at 877-996-9383.? And if you found this article helpful, please ?Like? us on Facebook or ?Google Plus 1? us.? Thank you.


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No Joke: 'American Idol' Loses Heejun Han

Resident jokester joined by Hollie Cavanagh and Skylar Laine in bottom three.
By Adam Graham

Heejun Han on "American Idol" Thursday
Photo: Fox

The laughs are over for Heejun Han, as this season's court jester was voted off "American Idol" on Thursday (March 29).

Han, who with his goofball demeanor and off-center sense of humor was criticized heavily for not taking the competition seriously enough, ended up at the bottom of America's votes following Wednesday's performance episode, despite earning a standing ovation from the judges for his performance of Donny Hathaway's "A Song for You." He reprised the song for the judges in an effort to get them to use their one save for the season on him, but the judges let him go.

"Let the record show that you knew this was coming yourself, you saw it come this week," Steven Tyler told him. "Unfortunately after talking, we're gonna have to let you go, man."

Just 24 hours earlier, Tyler had praised Han for turning himself around in the competition, and Jennifer Lopez reaffirmed his talents, telling him, "You didn't make it this far by mistake." Randy Jackson welcomed him back to the competition, telling him, "Finally, the Heejun that we selected came back to us tonight!"

But the 22-year-old from Flushing, New York's fate may have been sealed following his performance of Billy Joel's "My Life" the week prior, which was met by a stinging critique from "Idol" mentor Jimmy Iovine. "He came out and disrespected the entire process. His performance was more like four minutes of a bad Adam Sandler movie that goes straight to DVD," Iovine said, referring to it as a "stunt gone wrong." "At the end of the day, Interscope has to spend a lot of money on somebody who wins this show, and that's not it."

At the time, Han — who landed in second to last place following the performance — defended himself by saying, "I'm not trying to be a star, I'm just really happy where I am."

Han was in the bottom three Thursday with Hollie Cavanagh and Skylar Laine. Laine was sent back to safety first, and was followed by Cavanagh. It was the first time in the bottom three for both Laine and Cavanagh.

Also on the show, Eric Benet came out to surprise DeAndre Brackensick, who performed his song "Sometimes I Cry" on Wednesday's show.

Meanwhile, last year's "Idol" champ Scotty McCreery performed his latest single, 'Water Tower Town," and was presented with a platinum sales plaque by Iovine, signifying 1 million sales of his debut album, Clear as Day.

Nicki Minaj appeared and performed "Starships" and made a pitch to do a guest-judging bid on the show. "J. Lo, can you scoot over a little bit?" she asked, to which Lopez replied, "I don't know if there's enough room for both of us up here!"

What did you think of Thursday's "Idol"? Did Heejun Han go home too soon? Let us know in the comments!


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International Entertainment News: Arts Centre Melbourne Chooses ...

Arts Centre Melbourne Chooses PRG V676 and V476 Consoles

ARMONK, N.Y., March 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Arts Centre Melbourne, Australia's largest performing arts centre and the focal point of Melbourne's cultural precinct, has chosen to purchase PRG V676? and V476? control consoles to meet their lighting control needs. PRG will be supplying the consoles through its Australian subsidiary, Production Resource Group (Australia) Pty Ltd. Both the V676 & V476 consoles are in wide use globally throughout the entertainment industry including on major concert tours, international sporting events, and live television broadcasts. The selection of the Vx76 control platform by Arts Centre Melbourne marks the first permanent installation of the PRG control consoles in a performance venue.

The PRG V676 console was selected as the control solution for Arts Centre Melbourne's main concert venue, Hamer Hall. The lighting technology upgrade is part of the redevelopment of the 2,464-seat space, which presents both orchestral and contemporary music performances. The intimate 376-seat Fairfax Studio, a theatrical space at Arts Centre Melbourne that is home to smaller drama productions, will use the V476 Console. Along with the two consoles, PRG is also providing console backup, remote video nodes, and designer remotes, as well as staff training and ongoing support.

"The PRG console was chosen on the basis that it offered the best development and upgrade path while maintaining a familiar and well laid out user interface within an achievable budget," explains Chris King, Manager, Theatre Technical Development for Arts Centre Melbourne. King and the lighting team evaluated a range of manufacturers and control console options before making their final decision. There were a number of key features that the technical team was looking for in a new console that they found in the V676. "There are so many features associated with the console that we like; it is hard to narrow it down to a few, but the Group Super Palettes, console layout, and ergonomics are the ones that come to mind immediately," comments King. Arts Centre Melbourne also liked the graphical approach to managing show data on the Vx76 platform and the Media Palette, which is unique to PRG Vx76 consoles. Along with lighting, media control via the console was a requirement of the project.

A major benefit seen by Arts Centre Melbourne, and a factor in their decision, is the ability to work directly with the console development team at PRG. This streamlined communication between Arts Centre Melbourne and PRG has already proven that future development of the Vx76 console platform is a shared priority. "Arts Centre Melbourne has a great relationship with PRG. The people on staff are friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable and their responsiveness to our suggestions and to service needs is quick and attentive."

For more information on PRG, please visit

About Production Resource Group -- Production Resource Group, L.L.C., (PRG) is the world's leading supplier of entertainment and event technology to a wide range of markets, including corporate and automotive events, concerts, special events, theatre, television and film, trade shows, and installations, such as theme parks, museums, retail stores and performing arts centers. PRG provides integrated services and equipment, including audio, video, lighting, rigging, staging, and scenery and automation systems, for these markets from more than 40 offices in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

SOURCE Production Resource Group, L.L.C.

Production Resource Group, L.L.C.

CONTACT: Anne Johnston, +1-845-567-5871,

Web Site:

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Review: ?Hot to Set Up and Shoot Awesome Interviews with LED ...

Written by DVi Contributors on March 28th, 2012

Posted to our forum by DVi member Ian Campbell: I got my DVD copy of ?How to Setup, Light, & Shoot Great Looking Interviews? in yesterday?s mail. I?ve now watched the DVD twice, and I made some notes and wrote a review of sorts. Here goes!

I bought the first lighting DVD Vortex offered a couple of years ago ? ?Hot to Setup, Light, & Shoot Great Looking Interviews.? The first thing I noticed is that the new LED lighting disc offers 90 minutes or training vs. the 60 minutes of training found on the their first lighting DVD. Nice! And as with the other Vortex discs I own, they are beautiful to look at. The folks at Vortex care about the look of their product. The high quality of their productions plus the great training Vortex offers is why I?m a happy repeat customer. The ONLY thing that didn?t work for me were the audio ?tones? or ?beeps? that were used (instead of music) to usher in each new chapter on the DVD. Maybe I was tired when watching, but I like the music Vortex usually uses instead of tones. Hey, I know I?m really sweating the small stuff here since this really is only a minor gripe.

I completely trusted the training as offered in the first DVD, so I promptly bought all of the lights and accessories that are recommended by Vortex for achieving television network style interview lighting for under $1,500.00. And guess what: the kit I assembled as recommended by Vortex worked great! I didn?t doubt that it would. I was delighted that the training that was so simple to follow offered me fantastic results the very first time I used the lights according to Doug Jensen?s recommendations. In fact, I?ve had several compliments about the ?look? or my videos ? leading to repeat bookings from clients. This first disc is all about lighting with tungsten lights.

The brand-new ?Hot to Set Up and Shoot Awesome Interviews with LED Lights? is just what the Doctor ordered. I haven?t made the leap into the world of LED just yet, except for some LED on-camera lights that I own and love. I mainly purchased ?How to Set Up and Shoot Awesome Interviews with LED Lights? because the first Vortex lighting DVD was so good that I wanted to ?mine? any additional tips-and-tricks that I might benefit from by viewing this new training disc. In addition, I wanted to have a good idea of what NOT to buy when going LED. At some point soon, I?ll be making the jump to LED. Doug Jensen, in his first lighting DVD (tungsten lighting), takes his viewer through all of the best choices to build a lighting kit where you get the most bang for their buck. Jensen thankfully offers similar advices pertaining to LED choices here. Most lighting companies sell kits that load the buyer up with items that cost big bucks that you?ll likely never use. So, at-the-end-of-the-day, the first lighting DVD saved me a ton of money in terms of how to build a great lighting kit while avoiding costly mistakes. And Jensen?s training is so good, it makes good interview lighting do-able for anyone wanting great results? quickly, easily and essentially without compromise.

If you don?t yet have LED lights but are considering them ? get this DVD! Don?t make the mistake of buying costly LED lights that you might not need or use ? especially when they are more costly than their tungsten ?cousins.? Doug Jensen?s suggestions will likely save you big bucks if you see this disc before you go shopping. Jensen?s philosophy is the same for LED lighting as was his advice for tungsten on his first lighting DVD ? ?less is more?. He shows you how to build a an LED light kit with as few lights (and stands) as you?ll need to do interview lighting with beauty and artistry.

I really like the fact that the video talks to the viewer on a professional level ? but it it should be easy for anyone wanting great results to comprehend. First, Doug Jensen doesn?t assume that you already have LED lights, which is great. He starts from scratch and makes the case for both tungsten and LED. He presents a good argument for both. But after watching the DVD, it?s clear that anyone doing interviews will clearly benefit from making the move to LED sooner-than-later. I was convinced when Jensen showed how LED lights co-operate much more than tungsten when it comes to ?tweaking? the lighting and getting the exposure right more quickly ? without as much work this requires with tungsten. It?s apparent that lights which remain much cooler to the touch and are faster setting up and faster packing away (not having to wait for them to cool) is the way to go. And, they mix much better with daylight from a window than tungsten. What?s not to like?

?Hot to Set Up and Shoot Awesome Interviews with LED Lights? is smart? it goes well beyond the choice of (and the setting up of) the lights. You get great advice on choosing an ideal location. And then, there?s useful advice on what to do when an interview location is far from ideal. In addition, there are chapters offering excellent pointers on how to work with on-camera talent ? and how to make them look their best in-front-of-the-camera.

Doug Jensen announces on the new DVD that his company, Vortex Media, is offering full LED lighting workshops which run for a single day ? and more advanced training is offered over several days. These workshops will take those interested in advanced techniques beyond what can be offered in a 90 minute training DVD. I didn?t find there were things left unaddressed in Jensen?s ?Hot to Set Up and Shoot Awesome Interviews with LED Lights.? I can only assume ? and hope ? that the Vortex LED lighting workshops might cover more advanced setups that would include the lighting of several on-camera subjects for a two (or more camera) shoot. There is a Vortex Workshop page up, for anyone interested in their workshop series. Here?s a link: Vortex Media Workshops for TV/Film Professionals.

One of the my favorite things about ?Hot to Set Up and Shoot Awesome Interviews with LED Lights? are the multiple samples of great interview lighting in contrast to samples of mediocre and awful interview setups. Jensen shows examples of several Network news interview setups and points out where they have either excelled or have fallen ?flat.? This was really wise to include. As Jensen suggests, it?s often difficult to explain ?why? exactly a certain interview lighting setup looks artful ? but when an interview is nicely lit and well composed it?s something an audience will recognize as superior immediately. I agree.

I highly recommend ?Hot to Set Up and Shoot Awesome Interviews with LED Lights.? If good video lighting is important to you, then it?s quite likely you?ll be revisiting this disc as a resource to rely on for many years to come.

? posted to our forum by DVi member Ian Campbell.

FTC 16 CFR 255 Disclaimer: The author bought this DVD out of his own pocket. He has not been paid by DV Info Net or by Vortex Media to write this review. Vortex Media has not paid or otherwise solicited DV Info Net for this review.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Human Wave 3: To Not Write Agitprop - Genji Press

What is Human Wave Science Fiction | According To Hoyt

Your writing should not leave anyone feeling ashamed of being: male, female, western, non-western, sickly, hale, powerful, powerless.? It should use characters as characters and not as broad groups that are then used to shame other groups.? Fiction is not agit prop.

I'll use the last line as the directive: "Do not write agitprop."

(Note: I am explicitly not talking here about someone who is speaking their mind directly in the form of a nonfiction piece ? a blog post, an essay, an open letter, a conversation with a friend. There, you are not only permitted but encouraged to be as vociferous and opinionated as you can, because that way you leave no ambiguity about your position. I am confining myself here to discussing the art of fiction.)

But immediately we fall into a trap. One man's agitprop is often another man's speaking-out against being silenced by complacency or marginalization. So to just say "don't write that stuff" is to some ears tantamount to saying "Don't speak up for yourself or your brethren."

I cannot deny that I have seen firsthand the way the SF community can pretend (not always intentionally) how problems of marginalization do not exist. I don't have the luxury of pretending those problems are imaginary. The last thing I want is to sound like I'm coming out against people giving themselves a voice where before they felt they had none.

From what I can tell, most of the use of SF as agitprop (or literature as agitprop generally) comes from two places. The first is as a reaction to life conditions, which everyone knows about. We write about what we know, and if we have been injured ? deliberately or unthinkingly ? we write about that, as well we should. The second is as a reaction to writing that is itself a kind of normative agitprop ? i.e., writing which unthinkingly reinforces the status quo without questioning it or at least showing some awareness of it being a status quo, etc.

To see the status quo for what it is should be a function of the writer's overall job as an observer and interpreter. If they don't see these things in some form, they're not looking closely enough.

This is why, for instance, so much military-themed SF falls flat with me. To draw parallels, most of it seems inspired more by Patton or The Green Berets than it is La grande illusion, All Quiet on the Western Front, Overlord, Paths of Glory, Army of Shadows, etc. It's easier to talk about war (in space or elsewhere) in terms of easily-assimilated ready-made concepts like heroism (we win because we're morally superior) and technological positivism (we win because we have bigger guns) rather than tougher questions of how we can talk intelligibly about war, even a war we might not be able to avoid fighting (yes, it is na?ve to assume real enemies do not exist, etc.), without assuming that having a moral mandate for the fight will simply absolve us and render all further discussion moot. I do not doubt for a second that there are times when we must fight; I also do not doubt for a second that even those instances should go without scrutiny and skepticism; and I further do not doubt that such scrutiny and skepticism should not be used to turn the whole discussion into a matter of stumping for a pet argument or making the other guy look like a fool for taking his position.

From what I see here, then, it's only possible to not write agitprop when a) you know what it is, b) you know why it's bad to do so, and c) you have some idea of what a proper counterexample looks like. I've touched on b) and c), but I've still missed supplying a good discussion of a), so here goes. And something I mentioned at the end of the last 'graf seems like a good lead-in to that.

Agitprop as fiction exists most when it talks about issues as a form of ? for lack of a better way to put it ? audience-shaming. This is work that seeks not to enlighten or entertain, but simply to incriminate ? to make its audience feel guilty. In the case of war, for instance, it could be for picking up a gun; it could be for not picking up a a gun (Johnny Got His Gun). Either way, the deeper meanings of either side are obliterated in favor of simply making us feel bad for not siding with the author. The author may well be completely in the right, and a great deal of the time, they are. But the work they produce should be held to its own standard outside of the position it stakes out. A bad story with noble intentions is still a bad story.

The people who thrive most on and celebrate most the art of audience-shaming are, from what I've seen, other writers who themselves engage in such actions and are looking for evidence that they're doing the right thing. They are less interested in looking at the issue than they are in scoring points through the use of the issue. Not all of them seem conscious of this, either.

This sort of thing manifests most visibly as plain old second-rate storytelling. An SF story that looks critically at the power imbalances that technology creates, for instance, does not need a singular scapegoat. It does not need a Disney-style load-bearing villain which, when knocked out of position, causes all the evil in the story to evaporate. It would need to be honest enough to recognize that the people on both sides of the imbalance are being injured by the imbalance ? not to minimize the suffering of the victims, but to show that the ignorant also hurt themselves when they hurt others. This is not to say that the way they hurt themselves somehow outweighs the way they hurt others, or anything of that nature ? only that a wiser story would see the full picture and attest to that as well, without trivializing anyone's individual suffering or displacing sympathy. Consider it a direction to to work towards, rather than a goal that must be achieved for the story to have the full order of merit. (I leave it entirely as an exercise to the author how to pull that off, because it isn't going to be remotely possible to do that the same way in any two different stories.)

This is a thorny subject, in big part because I agree completely with the idea that some things are just plain wrong, and that it does no one any good to use moral equivocation to dodge such issues. Some things need to be denounced, not just once but in each of its social incarnations. But there is more than one way to denounce something, and more than one possible context for that denunciation. Denouncing something in the context of a story happens differently from the way we denounce it face-to-face, in the heat of a living moment. On paper, we can afford to be subtle; in real life, it often does not pay to bite our tongues.

The opposite of agitprop should not be another kind of agitprop ? especially not something that unintentionally becomes agitprop. The opposite of agitprop is humane and insightful fiction, wherever we may find it. It may come from a side, and it might even take a side, but it refuses to fall into the trap of being nothing but the taking of a side, lest it be confined by the very same things that confine its antagonists.

Literary critic Dale Peck once said (I paraphrase) that within every story there is a utopian vision that if realized would make the story unnecessary. The difference between fiction and agitprop is that the latter doesn't know this. It thinks the vision is the story. Put the story first and let the vision speak for itself.


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The Benefits Of Making use of Garage Storage Systems

If you want extra storage room in your garage, and let?s face it, who doesn?t, then Garage Bike Rack are the simplest resolution to organize the overfilled garage. Garage cabinets are very important as they supply an extremely clean, expert and organized look and give you a location to retailer all of your junk!!

A compact, three-door utility garage storage cabinet is excellent for storing tiny tools. An open wall storage cabinet, however, is perfect for keeping gardening supplies along with other items which might not be thoroughly dried prior to storage. Keeping damp items in closed cabinets can give off a musty odor and encourages mold growth.

A two-door base cabinet fees about $150 and protects lengthy and heavy items such as golf bags and hockey gear. You?ll be able to also get a wardrobe garage storage cabinet in case you have formal clothes that couldn?t be folded into a compact bundle. You?ll be able to find a natural maple cabinet of this sort for only around $150. They?re really straightforward to assemble and have adjustable shelves for flexibility.

To optimize your storage wants, overhead systems are perfect. An overhead storage program enables you to move the mess and confusion away from your line of vision. These systems consist of racks or boards that happen to be mounted close to the ceiling. Items that you just do not frequently use could be stored out in the way. Larger, seasonal items like bikes, camping gear, and wheelbarrows can effortlessly be packed away through the winter. Making use of garage hoists or pulleys can simplify storing huge items. Pulleys make it hassle-free to retrieve large or cumbersome objects.

In relation to a residence improvement project like organizing the garage, somewhat investment into numerous storage products can go a lengthy way. Understanding what your alternatives are and how to very best use them will free of charge up vast amounts of space in your garage. You?ll be able to transform your chaotic garage into an organized and clean space. Finding a storage system that functions will permit you to devote your time carrying out the factors you adore to do rather than continually fussing more than the clutter. By choosing 1 or much more of those Garage storage ideas systems, not just will you save space, you will save time and cash.

You can not organize your garage appropriately, nonetheless, in case you do not throw away a few of your stuff. The point of purchasing garage storage cabinets is you?ll only be keeping in them the issues which you nonetheless require now or within the future.

Garage storage cabinets are essential for any garage as they provide the extra storing space that every single homeowner demands. Overhead garage storage are offered in a wide range of materials like wood, metal and heavy plastic that can support with storage of heavy items and preserve them safe. And I will personally even vouch for some of the heavy plastic items, in saying that if assembled and installed appropriately, are possibly much more sturdy than a few of the metal or wood units.

Author: Abraham Wildeisen


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Monday, March 26, 2012

Internet business Developer Resume Jop application cover letter ...

The explanation of impair computing is definitely the delivery Janique Madison computing as being a service rather than product. The tailor-made software magnification department supplies numerous options available for more effective growth from any pre-existing business, especially that SMEs. Never generate an supposition. Acknowledge almost any requests who simply say ?sales event, ? so that you can show out your reasoning skills not to mention sales variety. For situation, if you find a event requisite like this, you will be more professional than all of those other pack when you respond when using the following,.

With contest becoming serious, it is crucial for candidates to become vigilant a sufficient amount of to capture Janique Goff before the competitors. A job of any sales person is almost always to motivate the current and site visitors to order their offerings. ?The world do not end in the event you aren ?t right now there ? in fact, it isn ?t going to! I ?ve obtained holidays to look at was the only real person during my business and also thought this business will collapse, and contain known countless sole traders to consider holidays thinking exactly the same, but Janique Goff worlds and companies are still converting! In quite a few cases (excavation included), the companies are actually converting better, ? predicted righteous researcher Bradford Snider.

2) These people fully accept they ?re the master with their own fiscal fate, and accept the only thing that goes with the wine. A multidisciplinary staff, without professional hierarchy, will mean and your own colleagues to the office as an important team from this quest to better. People who improve the browse floor will be able to identify exactly where value is definitely lost and provide solutions to treat the problems. Business development are being practiced via the almost most of the major corporations. It is actually being adopted because of the small organization too like they also expect grow. No for a longer time is management and business video known as mere frippery and regarded through disdain, nor will it be reserved designed for only the most significant corporations. Today, businesses great and little, are gaining enormously by good training videos and internet video advertising and marketing. Perhaps there ?s no position in the company when challenging and it is therefore amply rewarding with the opinion of at the same time job approval and funds. If you have got been showed that Marketing Prospecting is a ?numbers game ?, and to trust that some prospect is usually someone nobody can be convinced them to need a person ?s product, you ?ve already been playing unwanted game. Leadership will not be commonly found out but you can get development courses for helping future operators in understanding the notion. When reliable leadership is due to place using a manager, the guy is able to getting important things done via individuals they assist. If you suspect that you must get ahead of as countless prospects as is possible, you ?re bewildering a ?true prospect ? with individuals who may possibly be ?interested ? however , unlikely to give your business to you. They exhibit employees the way they really make a difference with this company and allow them require ownership with regards to position while using company.


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Guidelines On Renting A Vehicle For Your Overseas Holiday Car ...

Car Hire in Spain

Car Hire in Spain

Traveling to foreign countries might be rather the adventure and this is specially accurate whenever you go to a country exactly where everybody speaks a different language. Making your travel arrangements could possibly be extremely difficult in this forum and you may determine to make use of a travel agent as a way to far more productively arrange your accommodations and air travel. Luckily most vehicle rental agencies that do international small business have multilingual representatives who can help you to set up your rental auto reservation without having any miscommunications.

If you?re going to an unknown country, on the other hand, you are going to wish to be sure that you realize precisely what business you are working with and you will preferably determine on a business that is familiar to you. Despite the fact that, you may know this organization within your country of origin it really is critical to ensure that every of this businesses international locations are also owned by the corporation and aren?t independently owned.

Independently owned locations though from time to time great may be a bit unreliable at times and if you are deciding upon a location that?s based solely on their familiar name be confident that the firm is backing the certain location which you will probably be utilizing. It could be incredibly disheartening to have a poor expertise using a rental business which is independently owned.

Needless to say, when deciding on your auto employ organization in an international destination it?s critical to learn every little thing that you simply will need to have with you if you arrive to choose up your rental automobile or truck. Every country possesses its own guidelines and calls for its own paperwork so you do not need to basically assume that you simply have every little thing in order only to discover you might be unprepared to choose up your rental. It truly is a great notion to not merely check using the corporation as to the paperwork they?re going to demand you to present when picking up your international rental but that you simply will also desire to verify directly using the location itself mainly because this could be the front line and they?re going to know specifically what they are going to require from you once you arrive in the desk.

In most foreign countries you are going to almost certainly encounter some sort of language barrier so it could be advisable to pay a number of dollars a lot more at an airport automobile rental agent as opposed to traveling into the city to discover a greater deal. Considering that airports are a lot more applied to coping with travelers from all more than the globe they are going to most likely be far better able to communicate with you at this location. In the event you encounter a dilemma it is going to be very best to have the ability to communicate your point and comprehend their responses.

In other Travel and Leisure Car Rentals Car Hire in Spain news:

Travel Agents worldwide can now take full advantage of this easy to use booking engine with customizable car rental packages and rewarding commission rates.Miami, FL March 21, 2012 Travel Agents have never had it so easy, now with the introduction of the Royal Rent-A-Car Partner Program designed specifically for them in mind. This new program extends powerful selling tools to Travel ?

PARSIPPANY, N.J. ? Avis Car Rental has launched its celebration of its 40th anniversary of providing car rental services in the Republic of Singapore. Since first opening on March 31, 1972, Avis has been ?

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HAGERSTOWN, Md. ? Allegiant today announces new, nonstop jet service between Hagerstown, Md., and Orlando, Fla., via Orlando Sanford International Airport , will begin May 25, 2012. The company, ?

Europe Travels, the travel and leisure division of Safari Group of Companies, will inaugurate its third branch at Safari Shopping Complex, Umm Salal Mohamed, tomorrow at 4pm.

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ ? ?, a leading discount travel site, today released the February 2012 Hotwire? Travel Savings Indicator, which features the top five cities in North ?

NEW YORK, March 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ ? announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:? Travel and Tourism in Brazil, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2016: ?

NEW YORK, March 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ ? announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:? Travel and Tourism in China, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2016: ?

SAN FRANCISCO, March 7, 2012 ?/PRNewswire/ ? WorldMate announced today that it won the Best Mobile Travel App Award on March 5th at EyeForTravels Social Media and Mobile Strategies for Travel 2012 conference.WorldMate ?

TORONTO, ONTARIO? ? Car rental customers now have another reason to choose Enterprise Rent-A-Car with the March 1st launch of the new and improved Enterprise Plus loyalty program . Already widely recognized ?

Blog # 41e533e0adb1b71c0801 source: Donny Rehrig is a prolific guest blogger and he also is an expert in Car Hire in Spain checkout their his well frequented blog ? March 24, 2012, 3:44 pm
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South Africa: Motlanthe sends birthday wishes to Dr Steve Mokone

??South Africa: Motlanthe sends birthday wishes to Dr Steve Mokone

Compiled by the Government Communication and Information System
Date: 23 Mar 2012
Title: Motlanthe sends birthday wishes to Dr Steve Mokone

Pretoria - Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe has sent a birthday message to Dr Steve Mokone on his 80th birthday.

Mokone, who is also known as Kalamazoo, left South Africa in 1956 to embark on a career in European football. He was the first South African footballer to play in Europe and received the Order of Ikhamanga Gold for his achievement in sport.

"On this seminal occasion of your life, your 80th birthday, please accept my best wishes and many happy returns. Reaching 80 years of age is no mean feat... it is simply awesome," said Motlanthe on Friday.

He described Mokone as "simply the best player of the century not only here in South Africa, but at the level of our continent, Africa".

"... You have acquitted yourself with distinction as a South African ambassador on the length and breadth of the global stage. What makes you an exceptional human being is your breathtaking achievements in both sport and the academia. The fact that you earned a PhD degree immediately after your soccer career speaks volumes about your protean abilities, making you one of a kind.

"Your professorship in psychology is further proof of your splendid life and amazing aptitudes that do us proud as a people and a nation," said Motlanthe.

He added that throughout the years, Mokone had been an inspiration to many people for his commitment to the ideals of peace, human development and freedom.

"Indeed, the celebration of your birthday should serve as an occasion to encourage the younger generation to take a leaf from your exemplary life which has been well-lived. Indeed, today is a blissfully joyous moment that you must relish to the fullest!!!! May you live to see many more years! Once again, Happy Birthday," he said.

Reported by: South African Government News Service

Published on: 2012-03-23

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fuel crosses from Israel to ease Gaza fuel crisis

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Woman indicted for stalking Yankees executive Cashman

New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman watches a bullpen session at the team's spring training camp in Tampa

updated 7:26 p.m. ET March 21, 2012

NEW YORK - A British woman accused of stalking Yankees general manager Brian Cashman has been indicted by a grand jury, prosecutors said in a Manhattan criminal court Wednesday.

Louise Neathway, 36, was arrested last month after prosecutors said she harassed Cashman and convinced him to pay her $6,000 following what her lawyers called an inappropriate relationship.

Neathway was also indicted on charges stemming from a 2010 harassment case involving another, unnamed individual.

The exact nature of the charges against Neathway, who is also known as Louise Meanwell, will remain sealed until her arraignment April 11.

According to a criminal complaint filed by prosecutors in February, Neathway tried to extort $15,000 from Cashman by threatening to go to the media with details that would "damage his personal relationships and professional reputation." His wife reportedly filed for divorce after the Neathway story broke.

Cashman eventually sent her $6,000 in two payments in January, but Neathway demanded more, according to prosecutors. She also repeatedly called him and sent him text messages even after he asked her to stop, the complaint said.

Neathway, who previously denied the allegations through her lawyers, did not speak during her court appearance. She remains in jail on $200,000 bail.

Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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