Credit cards, medical bills, job loss or changes, and even life events such as a new baby, marraige, college or travel opportunities; together all of these can combine to create a hole of debt that seems impossible to escape from.
There is lots of advice out there on the internet on steps to take to help regain a financial footing, the biggest is communication.
Talk to your credit card creditor to find out if there is a way to reduce rate or reduce payment short term. Be wary of plans that have you incurring additional debt.
Talk to your family, honestly. It may be time to hold future purchases up to the need vs. want spotlight and create a plan for considered spending. Instead of a movie excursion every weekend make it a monthly adventure and stock up on microwave popcorn for inhouse entertainment.
Talk to your spouse about realistic travel plans. It may seem like everyone is going somewhere, but you may just need to opt for a staycation?sites like can provide ideas for localized daytripping.
Talk to your boss. Are there extra projects, hours, or responsibilities that can boost your take home pay. Have a mind blowing idea that will increase the profits of the company?.try pitching it with a bonus for you if it works. Like the old saying?it can?t hurt to ask.
Talk to health providers about payment plans on your account. In most cases they will be willing to extend this option for you but be realistic about what you can afford.
There are many ways to help stabilize your budget. Start using your mouth to step away from the crises and step forward towards that stability. At the same time, don?t lose time talking to the experts about bankruptcy or consolidation options. Attorney Michael Burr can mee with you one on one to review your situation and chart a road map of options for you.
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